Children & Adolescents

Children hurt just as adults hurt.

And their challenges today aren’t the same as ours when we were their age.

Sure, we were kids once, too. But with every new generation comes a new set of issues.

Social media and other influences can open the door to levels of bullying and peer pressure that we’ve never known.

They’re transitioning from childhood to adolescence and are hit with feelings and emotions they’ve never experienced.

Children are sponges.

They soak up everything around them and experience things to their core.

On the outside, we may see a child who cries frequently. We may see a child who seems constantly sad.

We may see a child who has unexplained anger outbursts or a child who harms themselves. But their emotional immaturity and inability to handle their emotions means that kids have a harder time expressing their pain in appropriate ways.

Not all depressed children are like the character Eeyore – sad little donkeys wandering aimlessly.

And sometimes the children who need the most love, the most patience, and encouragement, will ask for what they need in the most unloving ways: lying, screaming, throwing things, and more.

Our children deserve the best we can offer them.

A childhood free from pain or trauma would be awesome. But we know that doesn’t always happen.

This is what we know: children who do not effectively deal with their pain and their traumas often grow up to be hurt and traumatized adults with lifelong consequences.

Our children deserve better, don’t you think?

Let us help your child.

You don’t know what to do, what is wrong, or why your child is so unhappy or angry… or maybe you do.

There may be things that have hurt your child you’re not aware of or that do not seem like a “big thing” to you.

But, for your child, their pain is real and it’s big.

Children need a safe place to talk about all the things going on in their life.

We provide this safe place, so your child can feel free to talk about what has happened to them or what is bothering them.

We use many different techniques specifically designed for children, and the children we see enjoy coming to therapy.

The sooner children get therapy, the sooner they can resolve the things that brought them to therapy. Hurt and unhealthy children experience lifelong consequences and grow up to be hurt and unhealthy adults.

Participating in therapy gives children the opportunity to heal and have healthy lives going forward.

Your child deserves healing and happiness.

As much as we like to think otherwise, sometimes parents just don’t understand what their child is going through.

But you and your child don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. Call us today, we can help: (662) 349-2979.